Exposure to Electrical Hazards

Exposure to Electrical Hazards

Exposure to electrical shock or arc flash.          

Flotation Devices

Have you considered drowning as a risk in your pre-task assessment or procedure for this task?

Does everyone involved in the task have access to the required flotation devices for the task?

Have you inspected the flotation device(s) prior to use? Check integrity, condition, damage, weight restrictions, etc.

Are you wearing the required flotation device(s) correctly?

Has the team reviewed the rescue plan for this task? Does everyone know and understand the plan?

Is the rescue plan appropriate and are all necessary tools and equipment available?

Barriers and Segregation

Do I remain inside the confines of the handrails at all times (e.g. not stepping on midrails, leaning over handrails, etc...)

Are the barriers adequate to prevent falling into water (or other liquids that a person could drown in)?

Access Integrity

Have I inspected the access platform and/or barge before use? Check for missing/loose floor boards, corroded parts, secured handrails, etc.

Is the work platform suitable for the job/task?

Access Control

Are physical controls and signage in place to prevent unauthorized access?

Do you have a spotter in place for work on or near water?

Are all personnel present authorized to be in the location?