

Exposure to thermal, particulate, gas or vapor hazards from a fire.

Segregation and Storage

Are combustible and flammable materials separated from each other?

Are all combustible and flammable materials separated from ignition sources?

Have I inspected the work area for spills or leaks of flammable or combustible material? (e.g. leaks from pumps, vehicles, motors, other equipment)

Hot Work Permit Execution

Is the Hot Work Permit complete and have I read and signed it?

Do I know the risks for the Hot Work Permit?

Is the work area protected from hot work activities as specified in the Hot Work Permit? (e.g. fire blankets)

Alarm Systems

Is the area and or personal/portable monitor working?

Do I know what the  different alarms and tones mean?

Fire Suppression Systems

Are suppression systems/fire extinguishers inspected properly and easily accessible?

Rescue Systems

Are rescue systems (e.g. emergency response personnel available during high risk tasks, refuge chambers, etc..) available?

Do I know where the nearest refuge chamber is?

Is the Refuge chamber fully stocked with all emergency supplies and ready for use?

Do I have my Self Rescuer with me?

Has my Self Rescuer been inspected and is it ready for use?

Evacuation Plan

Have I checked that the evacuation routes and secondary egress inspections have been conducted?

Do I know where the muster points are in the event of an evacuation?