Underground Rock Fall

Underground Rock Fall

Exposure to rock that falls from the back or sidewalls underground.

Engineered Support Systems

Are ground monitoring instruments operating correctly? Is unsupported ground clearly marked to prevent entry underneath it?

Do I have an approved development worksheet that clearly specifies ground support to be installed, and am I equipped to safely and successfully install it?

Has pull testing been completed and results marked on maps or in the headings? Is shotcrete/concrete/backfill being installed according to the manufacturer’s directions and in compliance with the ground control management plan?

Have you received and approved work sheet?

Geotechnical Inspections and Monitoring Systems

Does the work area ground control and ventilation allow for safe entry?

Are identified hazardous conditions corrected? Have identified ground movement and failure issues been addressed before work resumes in those areas?

Has permission to enter a closed/restricted geotechnical monitoring area been given? Is the survey team checking heading breakage conformance and are the drill and blast crews adhering to the mine development plan?

Have ground control inspections occurred?

When ground monitoring equipment identifies an issue, are actions taken to protect the team?

Ground Control Management Plan Execution

Are the status of headings readily known and shown on mine maps?

Are up-to-date mine plans maintained in locations that are easily accessible?


Is there a process for handover between shifts and technical and operations management?

Is scaling performed in development cycles?